current conscious topic:
cancer cured naturally... a true story. my friend Tom's prostate cancer cure story and all natural protocol from sanoviv
consciously creating awareness
“what is needed is some person, some institution, some inescapable “force” that captures the imagination of our citizens and demonstrate that cancer and other diseases will be eliminated only when each of us comes to understand that this can only occur as a part of a lifelong process of sanity, balance, moderation, and self respect.”
- Dr. Charles Simone M.MS.,M.D. http://drsimone.com/
conscious medicine... is preventative medicine
- do you know what functional medicine is? The Institute of Functional Medicine, IMF … changing they way we do medicine
- dr simone's ten point plan to decrease your risk of cancer and heart disease cancers incld; breast, endometrial, prostate, colon, and rectal
- alkalize or die... the pH nutrition guide to acid/alkaline balance
- why sanoviv? ... no place like it in the world. the hospital of the future.
- what to expect at sanoviv... my sanoviv program and the sanoviv diet
- cancer cured naturally… a true story. my friend Tom's prostate cancer cure story and all natural protocol from sanoviv medical institute.
- russian roulette anyone? cancer odds & treatment risks
- have you ever googled for a natural remedy and cure and the "quackwatch" site popped up???? well.... pssst… quackwatch is quackery… pass it on!
- what is codex alimentarius? If you don’t know we’re in BIG trouble!
conscious eating... is eating for living
- the best superfood choice, green foods. understand exactly what is good, very good, better, best, and the very best ... it’s your choice
- conscious eating... raw foods; easier and better than cooking. if you say it is hard... it will be hard and if you say it is easy it will be easy because... what you believe becomes your truth
- cook with out cooking - raw recipes and inspiration by adam sobel
- hemp… eat it don’t smoke it. raw organic shelled hemp seed, the single item i can not live with out... delicious and PACKED with protein and omegas!
- move over eggs & bacon... make room for a healthy conscious breakfast. my weekend special scramble
- living without - consciously substituting for eggs, dairy, gluten & refined sugar for all of your cooking and baking.
- hey coffee drinker... consciously choose something better, the delicious health alternative. Dandy Blend - this is actually better tasting than coffee & good for you!
- 99% guilt free chocolate ganache cake - this one is the BEST... from the down to earth chefs & the "you won't believe its vegan" cookbook.
- Got gas??? Food combining… one of these thing does not go with the other. read this instead if medicating your symptoms with tums or other medicines
conscious detox... is natural and builds your immune
- healthy water healthy body - my water filter choice... I LOVE IT!
- when people say you are full of it.. it may be true if you do not go every time you eat. which means... clean out your ears and open your eyes… even better… clean out your colon. a colonic is the safest most natural and best way to start the cleansing process. read hear for all of your questions you could possibly have on colonics.
- the detox miracle sourcebook... literally the bible for natural detox immune building diet. the book is A to Z and doesn't skip a beat.
- if you have amalgam fillings... toxins are going directly into your bloodstream if you don't get that metal out of your mouth!
- bouncing magic... a simple and quick and easy way to cleanse every cell in your body. visualize for a moment a balloon filled with water. hold the balloon by its stem and observe how gravity pulls on the water, slightly stretching the balloon. now move your hand rapidly up and down and observe how the extra gravitational force causes the balloon to significantly stretch and distort. when you bounce up and down on a rebounder, this is what happens to every cell in your body.
- chi-force living the 7 disciplines... one on my daily conscious choices
- want the best work out? .....get a kettlebell. works more muscles than you knew you had.
consciously non toxic... it means through out... non toxic body, mind, spirit, home, and environment. it is your choice choose wisely.
- do you know the EWG? it is the Environmental Working Group who uses the power of public information to protect public health and the environment. rate your products... how toxic is your shampoo, lotion, shaving cream, and even your make up!
- the dirty secrets of what makes you clean... know that when you brush your teeth with toothpaste it has pesticides in it. read more shocking beauty secrets!
- more compost less work... and less waste environmentally and naturally fertilize your garden.
- our planet in our hands... when doing home improvements... consciously choose your paint not just the color!
conscious resources... know the truth & consciously choose
the china study - on the top of the pyramid of health books the one has 27 YEARS or research backing its studies. by cornell university nutritionist t. collin
the detox miracle source book literally the bible for natural detox immune building diet. the book is A to Z and doesn't skip a beat.
cancer confidential You don't need to have or have had cancer to benefit from this info. In fact, you can prevent it in advance by your lifestyle choices.
According to me cancer related awareness programs should be takes place. Antioxidant rich diet should be preferable. As anti-oxidants have numerous important health benefits. They boost the body’s defense against oxidation by fighting damage caused by excess free radicals, which are byproducts of normal cell metabolism.
Vegan Vitamins