Food Combining...
does not mean a sectioned plate.
What is does mean is the following...
Over time combining the improper foods can lead to serious disorders later in life. Just because some people eat what ever they want with out feeling or noticing the negative effects doesn't mean their aren't any. The Human Physiology is amazing. It changes and adapts as your environment or circumstances change. An interesting thing to contemplate is... just because we CAN do something... doesn't me we should. Digestion is one area that you can apply that statement to.
Poor food combining has been seen to lead to degeneration. Different enzymes are needed to digest different foods, and the enzymes are only active when the pH is just right. When you eat the proper food combination your digestive conditions will be ideal. Food combining is a science... based on the knowledge of body chemistry. Consuming the right foods to make the best of our digestive system with the least effort and energy from the body. The cleaner and more pure your food choices are; the more sensitive you become to the effects of poor food combinations.
Many people experience adverse reactions when eating certain foods and this is often due to how they are combining those foods. When undigested proteins remain in our systems, from either not chewing you food enough or the lack of enzymes active, you body can have an allergic reaction to this food. Not being able to digest it properly. Do you have a lot of gas??? Perhaps it could be from your choice of food combining. ex: nut butter on grain bread. When combining food that have different digestive requirements, such as nut and grains, this can cause gas from the fermentation or lack of complete or proper digestion.
Proper food combining is not only easier on the digestion process but it will boost your immune system. Did you know that 70% of your immune system is in you digestive tract? or... that 90% if the nutrients you get from you food takes place in your digestive tract. And that 30% or more of your body's precious energy is used up just to digest the food you eat.
The effects won't stop in your digestive tract either.. When foods are combined properly not only you will use less energy to digest and you will then have more energy for other activities and more important.. healing. In turn, this will effect you whole body, you blood will be cleaner, your cells will receive more oxygen, and you will be on your way to optimum wellness. Healthier, stronger and more disease-resistant. Try it and just watch how great you feel... your whole body will thank you.
1- Avoid drinking with your meals. Drink 15 min before or 1 1/2 HOURS AFTER.Drinking with your meals dilutes the important enzymes and acids needed for proper digestion.
2- Eat and drink food and beverages at room temperature. Tempatures(hot and cold) alter enzyme activity and will burden the digestion process.
3- Avoid combining starch and protein.
4- Avoid eating more than one type of protein at one meal. The same goes for fat.(this does not mean you can not combine more than one variety of seeds or nuts at one time) Just Keep It Simple.
5- Avoid combining more than one fat/protein. Such as, do not use avocado, nuts and oil in a dressing. better to pick just one.
6- Only eat fruit occasionally ( especially when facing health challenges) When consuming fruits, only eat fruits with similar fruits. You may combine sub acid fruit with acid fruit and you may combine sweet fruit with sub acid fruit but AVOID combining sweet fruit with acid fruits. (see food term below)
7- Eat melon alone or only with other melons.
8- Avocados combine well with either fruit or vegetables. same with garlic onions, flowers and some herbs.
9- Eat veggies and greens with either avocado, nuts & seeds or starchy foods.
10- It is ALWAYS ideal to combine as few ingredients as possible for optimal digestion. In nature, would you expect to find a apple tree next to a banana tree next to an onion plant, or nut tree next to a head of lettuce? Wild animals usually have a MONO DIET, meaning they only eat one food at a time, as did humans for many thousands of years prior to today's processed food technologies.
Although not all-inclusive this is a representative list. In terms of food combining all foods are categorized by their strongest traits, although they may be composed of several of the other groups listed here
Protein - digestion time average 4 hours
Includes all nuts, flax, sunflower, pumpkin, and my favorite hemp.
Fat - digestion time average 4 hours
Vegetable - digestion time average 2 1/2 hours
all greens, lettuces, celery, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, celery root, asparagus, kohlrabi, yellow summer squash, zucchini, carrot, bell pepper, sea vegetables, radish, parsnip, turnip, beet, all herbs, garlic, scallion onion, all sprouts, sprouted lentils, sprouted mung beans, sprouted adzuki beans, sprouted funugreek including small sprouts too, clover, radish, broccoli, onion and alfalfa.
Starch - digestion time average 2 1/2 hours
all cooked and sprouted grains; all hard winter cooked or raw squash such as acorn, pumpkin, butternut, etc., Jerusalem artichokes (sunchokes); all cooked root vegetables ( beet, carrot, rutabaga, sweet potato, turnip etc.); sprouted chick peas (garbanzo), sprouted peas and most sprouted beans.
Sweet Fruit - digestion time average 4 hours
Banana, all dried fruit, fresh persimmon, and fresh date.
Sub-Acid Fruits - digestion time 2 hours
Fresh apple, pear, grape, cherries, berries, apricot, nectarine, mango, papaya, cherimoya, litchis and tomato
Acid Fruit - digestion time average 1 hour
oranges,tangerines, grapefruit, sour apple, strawberry, pineapple, pomegranate, kumquats, kiwi, loquat, starfruit, loganberry, cranberry, loganberry, lime and sour fruit.
Melon - digestion time average 15-30 minutes
Includes all melons
Breathe... deep diaphragmatic breathing
Chew... eat bite 30-60 times. try to liquefy in the mouth before swallowing. there are no teeth in your stomach
Savor and Be Thankful... it will help you digestion and your spirit.