Our health is determined by many factors, including diet, toxins, genes, stress, thoughts and emotions, and the amount of physical activity we get. Research has proven that the benefits of exercise are cumulative and that physical activity is absolutely essential for health. Unfortunately, we have become a nation of couch potatoes. Even our children are sedentary-physical play has been replaced with television and video games. In fact, 60 percent of our adult population is sedentary, both professionally and recreationally, and about 25 percent of Americans engage in absolutely no exercise whatsoever. Did you know that this level of inactivity virtually guarantees disease? We are not getting enough physical activity to stay healthy, and it is having a profoundly negative effect on the health and productivity of our nation.
Traditionally, getting enough exercise was not a problem. Our ancestors either farmed or gathered their food, getting plenty of exercise through their daily activities. Today, things are different; we must choose to do regular physical activity, or it simply won't happen. However, given the time, effort, and money that exercising can require, it can be difficult to find a workable solution. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were a way to get the activity we need in just a few easy minutes a day, in the comfort our own homes, and with a minimum of effort and expense? Sound too good to be true?
Rebounding to the rescue! What is rebounding? It is a unique form of exercise that involves bouncing up and down on a mini-trampoline, and its effects are almost magical. It is simple, surprisingly easy to do, a lot of fun, safe, and it can be done by almost anyone regardless of his or her age or physical condition. I know it sounds like a panacea, and that is exactly what it is! Rebounding tones, conditions, strengthens and heals the entire body in as little as 15 minutes per day.
Why is rebounding so good for you? Because it is good for your cells. Rebounding is a concentrated form of exercise that exercises every cell in your entire body. Remember, if your cells are healthy, you cannot be sick. Only when a large number of cells malfunction can you become diseased. We have always known that exercise is good for health and the reasons why are becoming clearer all the time: Research presented two years ago at the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society found that physically stretching cells has a profound impact on their biochemistry and behavior. Moving and stretching a cell, as rebounding does, helps to supply essential nutrients and to eliminate toxic waste products. When you bounce on a rebounder, your entire body (internal organs, bones, connective tissue, and skin) becomes stronger, more flexible, and healthier. Both blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are vastly improved.
Visualize for a moment a balloon filled with water. Hold the balloon by its stem and observe how gravity pulls on the water, slightly stretching the balloon. Now move your hand rapidly up and down and observe how the extra gravitational force causes the balloon to significantly stretch and distort. When you bounce up and down on a rebounder, this is what happens to every cell in your body. Rebounding alternately puts pressure on and takes pressure off of body cells, like squeezing a sponge. This moving and stretching of the cells facilitates nutrient delivery and toxin removal, which is exactly what you need to be healthy. When normal cell chemistry is enhanced, all sorts of wonderful things happen to your cells, tissues, and systems. These include improving brain function, muscle building, fat burning, tissue healing, blood pressure regulation, appetite regulation, balance and coordination, elimination of fatigue, and countless other physiological enhancements. All of this without having to take the time to go to the gym, work up a sweat, or end up with sore muscles and possible injuries.
Especially when compared to conventional exercises such as push-ups and weight lifting, which apply weight and movement only to specific muscles or muscle groups, rebounding is a more efficient way to exercise your body because it applies weight and movement to every cell. The extra force of gravity caused by the bouncing movement strengthens bones and joints, yet it does so without the jarring and potential damage of most impact activities.
Here are just some of the benefits that can be achieved by rebounding:
Efficient weight loss
Removing toxins
Stronger bones and joints
Improved immunity
Faster healing
Improving sagging skin
Strengthening muscles
Resolving back problems
Lowering blood pressure
Improving vision
Improving hearing
Decreasing appetite
Improving digestion
Enhancing brain function
Eliminating tiredness
Here is what Dr. Gus Prosch of Biomed Health Services had to say about how rebounding affects our cells and health: "…the membranes around the cells strengthen as they demand more protein. These thicker membranes are better able to fight off foreign invaders like germs, toxins, poisons and other pollutants more effectively. Here everything improves: the blood, the brain, the lungs, the muscles, all the internal organs…and even more."
Dr. James White at the University of California San Diego says that rebounding exercise is, "…the closest thing to the Fountain of Youth that science has discovered," and that rebounding "is effective in improving the symptoms of over 80% of the patients reporting to our rehabilitation lab." Ruthmary McDowell, a 94 year-old woman from Seattle, experienced such an improvement. She said, "After being very ill, I could not seem to get better. It was most discouraging. I really think it [rebounding] has saved my life."
Is rebounding right for you? It is right if you find exercise boring and want an exercise that is fun, convenient, and just plain easy to do. It is right if you are pressed for time, like I am. You will appreciate that it takes only 15 to 30 minutes per day and that even 5 minutes a day is beneficial. I now do two 15-minute sessions, one in the morning and another in the evening. Rebounding is the one exercise that will give you fabulous all-around results, even improving your mental well being, with the least amount of hassle, expense, or risk. In fact, exercising on a quality rebounder is the safest and most risk free of any exercise I can think of. Regardless of age or physical condition, almost anyone can devise a beneficial rebounding program. Even professional athletes measurably improve their performance by rebounding.
Many exercises are uncomfortable, cost too much, or take too much time. People tend to give up and do nothing. Rebounding is the answer to all these problems. You don't need special clothing or lots of equipment, and you can do it while speaking on the phone, watching TV, or dancing to music.
So how do you go about buying a rebounder? One thing you do not want to do is purchase a cheap $50 mini-trampoline at your local sporting goods store. This type of rebounder can actually do you more harm than good. Inexpensive rebounders tend to have bad springs; the cheap tube springs found on most rebounders do not absorb and cushion your weight properly-causing a bounce that is abrupt and jarring. People have actually suffered permanent nerve damage from using such units. What you want is a rebounder with fat, barrel spring that allows for smooth deceleration, bringing you to a gentle stop. Another problem with cheap rebounders is poor-quality matting material. Cheap mats stretch too much, do not support your feet properly, and potentially place undue stress on your ankles, knees, and back. By contrast, good rebounders have high quality mats that hold their shape and do not overstretch. Other considerations for a rebounder include the strength of the frame, the height and number of legs, the quality of the sewing that attaches the webbing to the mat, and the ease with which the unit can be folded out of the way or made portable.
With these considerations in mind, I have selected a rebounder that meets my specifications. It is 40 inches in diameter, 10 inches high and weighs 25 pounds. It uses special fat-barrel springs, and both the frame and legs are made of heavy-grade steel. The mat is made of an industrial fabric which is specifically engineered for rebounders and trampolines. It is flexible, but does not stretch; it provides a firm and stable surface, yet is supple enough to cushion joints. It does not crease or fold and always returns to its original flat condition. It is of the highest quality and should provide a lifetime of good use. Best of all, it really works! All of the other exercise machines I ever purchased have ended up as high-priced clothes hangers. My rebounder actually gets used. I noticed good results in my own well being after just a couple of weeks. My body loves it and I very much look forward to my daily workout. I cannot recommend rebounding highly enough as both a fun and effective form of exercise.
Raymond Francis is an M.I.T.-trained scientist, a registered nutrition consultant, author of Never Be Sick Again, host of the Beyond Health Show and an internationally recognized leader in the emerging field of optimal health maintenance.
The above article I found at one of my favorite places ... Sanoviv.com http://www.sanoviv.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56:bouncing-magic&catid=10:articles
Please note: Before embarking on a rebounding program, consult with your personal physician.
Rebounders are available at http://www.needak-rebounders.com/
An optional handlebar is also available.
Do your body a favor and start rebounding now!
Traditionally, getting enough exercise was not a problem. Our ancestors either farmed or gathered their food, getting plenty of exercise through their daily activities. Today, things are different; we must choose to do regular physical activity, or it simply won't happen. However, given the time, effort, and money that exercising can require, it can be difficult to find a workable solution. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were a way to get the activity we need in just a few easy minutes a day, in the comfort our own homes, and with a minimum of effort and expense? Sound too good to be true?
Rebounding to the rescue! What is rebounding? It is a unique form of exercise that involves bouncing up and down on a mini-trampoline, and its effects are almost magical. It is simple, surprisingly easy to do, a lot of fun, safe, and it can be done by almost anyone regardless of his or her age or physical condition. I know it sounds like a panacea, and that is exactly what it is! Rebounding tones, conditions, strengthens and heals the entire body in as little as 15 minutes per day.
Why is rebounding so good for you? Because it is good for your cells. Rebounding is a concentrated form of exercise that exercises every cell in your entire body. Remember, if your cells are healthy, you cannot be sick. Only when a large number of cells malfunction can you become diseased. We have always known that exercise is good for health and the reasons why are becoming clearer all the time: Research presented two years ago at the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society found that physically stretching cells has a profound impact on their biochemistry and behavior. Moving and stretching a cell, as rebounding does, helps to supply essential nutrients and to eliminate toxic waste products. When you bounce on a rebounder, your entire body (internal organs, bones, connective tissue, and skin) becomes stronger, more flexible, and healthier. Both blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are vastly improved.
Visualize for a moment a balloon filled with water. Hold the balloon by its stem and observe how gravity pulls on the water, slightly stretching the balloon. Now move your hand rapidly up and down and observe how the extra gravitational force causes the balloon to significantly stretch and distort. When you bounce up and down on a rebounder, this is what happens to every cell in your body. Rebounding alternately puts pressure on and takes pressure off of body cells, like squeezing a sponge. This moving and stretching of the cells facilitates nutrient delivery and toxin removal, which is exactly what you need to be healthy. When normal cell chemistry is enhanced, all sorts of wonderful things happen to your cells, tissues, and systems. These include improving brain function, muscle building, fat burning, tissue healing, blood pressure regulation, appetite regulation, balance and coordination, elimination of fatigue, and countless other physiological enhancements. All of this without having to take the time to go to the gym, work up a sweat, or end up with sore muscles and possible injuries.
Especially when compared to conventional exercises such as push-ups and weight lifting, which apply weight and movement only to specific muscles or muscle groups, rebounding is a more efficient way to exercise your body because it applies weight and movement to every cell. The extra force of gravity caused by the bouncing movement strengthens bones and joints, yet it does so without the jarring and potential damage of most impact activities.
Here are just some of the benefits that can be achieved by rebounding:
Efficient weight loss
Removing toxins
Stronger bones and joints
Improved immunity
Faster healing
Improving sagging skin
Strengthening muscles
Resolving back problems
Lowering blood pressure
Improving vision
Improving hearing
Decreasing appetite
Improving digestion
Enhancing brain function
Eliminating tiredness
Here is what Dr. Gus Prosch of Biomed Health Services had to say about how rebounding affects our cells and health: "…the membranes around the cells strengthen as they demand more protein. These thicker membranes are better able to fight off foreign invaders like germs, toxins, poisons and other pollutants more effectively. Here everything improves: the blood, the brain, the lungs, the muscles, all the internal organs…and even more."
Dr. James White at the University of California San Diego says that rebounding exercise is, "…the closest thing to the Fountain of Youth that science has discovered," and that rebounding "is effective in improving the symptoms of over 80% of the patients reporting to our rehabilitation lab." Ruthmary McDowell, a 94 year-old woman from Seattle, experienced such an improvement. She said, "After being very ill, I could not seem to get better. It was most discouraging. I really think it [rebounding] has saved my life."
Is rebounding right for you? It is right if you find exercise boring and want an exercise that is fun, convenient, and just plain easy to do. It is right if you are pressed for time, like I am. You will appreciate that it takes only 15 to 30 minutes per day and that even 5 minutes a day is beneficial. I now do two 15-minute sessions, one in the morning and another in the evening. Rebounding is the one exercise that will give you fabulous all-around results, even improving your mental well being, with the least amount of hassle, expense, or risk. In fact, exercising on a quality rebounder is the safest and most risk free of any exercise I can think of. Regardless of age or physical condition, almost anyone can devise a beneficial rebounding program. Even professional athletes measurably improve their performance by rebounding.
Many exercises are uncomfortable, cost too much, or take too much time. People tend to give up and do nothing. Rebounding is the answer to all these problems. You don't need special clothing or lots of equipment, and you can do it while speaking on the phone, watching TV, or dancing to music.
So how do you go about buying a rebounder? One thing you do not want to do is purchase a cheap $50 mini-trampoline at your local sporting goods store. This type of rebounder can actually do you more harm than good. Inexpensive rebounders tend to have bad springs; the cheap tube springs found on most rebounders do not absorb and cushion your weight properly-causing a bounce that is abrupt and jarring. People have actually suffered permanent nerve damage from using such units. What you want is a rebounder with fat, barrel spring that allows for smooth deceleration, bringing you to a gentle stop. Another problem with cheap rebounders is poor-quality matting material. Cheap mats stretch too much, do not support your feet properly, and potentially place undue stress on your ankles, knees, and back. By contrast, good rebounders have high quality mats that hold their shape and do not overstretch. Other considerations for a rebounder include the strength of the frame, the height and number of legs, the quality of the sewing that attaches the webbing to the mat, and the ease with which the unit can be folded out of the way or made portable.
With these considerations in mind, I have selected a rebounder that meets my specifications. It is 40 inches in diameter, 10 inches high and weighs 25 pounds. It uses special fat-barrel springs, and both the frame and legs are made of heavy-grade steel. The mat is made of an industrial fabric which is specifically engineered for rebounders and trampolines. It is flexible, but does not stretch; it provides a firm and stable surface, yet is supple enough to cushion joints. It does not crease or fold and always returns to its original flat condition. It is of the highest quality and should provide a lifetime of good use. Best of all, it really works! All of the other exercise machines I ever purchased have ended up as high-priced clothes hangers. My rebounder actually gets used. I noticed good results in my own well being after just a couple of weeks. My body loves it and I very much look forward to my daily workout. I cannot recommend rebounding highly enough as both a fun and effective form of exercise.
Raymond Francis is an M.I.T.-trained scientist, a registered nutrition consultant, author of Never Be Sick Again, host of the Beyond Health Show and an internationally recognized leader in the emerging field of optimal health maintenance.
The above article I found at one of my favorite places ... Sanoviv.com http://www.sanoviv.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56:bouncing-magic&catid=10:articles
Please note: Before embarking on a rebounding program, consult with your personal physician.
Rebounders are available at http://www.needak-rebounders.com/
An optional handlebar is also available.
Do your body a favor and start rebounding now!
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