Painting this season?.... why not organic paint?
It's socially responsible and safer.
Organic Paint
Organic paints are made from natural substances found in the earth. There are no chemicals or toxins found in organic paint. Materials such as water, plant dyes, plant oils and resin, clay talcum, milk, bee's wax, natural latex, are used to create organic paint. There are many different brands. The Real Milk Company, Aglaia, Livos, Auro, Eco Design's Bio Brand, Soy Gaurd, Silacote, Anna Sova and Green Plant Paints.
Why is Organic Paint Better?
Organic paint is better for many reasons...
First, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, nine percent of ground level ozone - smog - is produced from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in conventional paint. Organic paints are low or zero VOC paints.
Second, aside from contributing to smog, VOCs can cause irratation in eyes, upper respiratory tract infections, headaches, diddiness, memory impairment, and visual disorders.
Third, if you're the one painting, those generally nasty side effects are pointed at you, so why no protect yourself? And, lets's not forget that traditional paint contains dangerous chemicals such as lead, cadmium, mercury perservatives, and chromate pigments - there's just no reason to subject yourself, your family, or the enviroment to any of that.
So, if you're going to be painting this season, keep organic paint in mind. It's socially responsible and safer.
Indoor air is three times more polluted than outdoor air, and according to the EPA, is considered one of the top 5 hazards to human health. Paints and finishes are among the leading causes.
Paints and finishes release low level toxic emissions into the air for years after application. The source of these toxins is a variey of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which, until recently, were essential to the performance of the paint.
New environmental regulations, and consumer demand, have led to the development of low-VOC and zero-VOC paints and finishes. Most paint manufacturers now produce one or more non-VOC variety of paint. These new paints are durable, cost-effective and less harmful to human and environmental health.
Health. Reduced toxins benefit everyone, including those with allergies and chemical sensitivities.
Environment. Reduces landfill, groundwater and ozone depleting contaminants.
Effective. Low-VOC products perform well in terms of coverage, scrubability and hideability (covering flaws on previous coats).
Water-Based. Easy cleanup wtih soap and warm water.
Little or No Hazardous Fumes. Low odor during application; no odor once cured. No off-gassing. Painted areas can be occupied sooner, with no odor complaints.
Not Deemed Hazardous Waste. Cleanup and disposal greatly simplified.
Non-Toxic Paints and Finishes
The term "non-toxic" is used here in its broadest sense. With paints and finishes, it's more a matter of degree. Even Zero-VOC formulations contain some small amounts of toxins. Here are three general categories of non-toxic (or low-toxic) paints: Natural Paints, Zero VOC, and Low VOC
Natural Paints and Finishes
These are paints made from natural raw ingredients such as water, plant oils and resins, plant dyes and essential oils; natural minerals such as clay, chalk and talcum; milk casein, natural latex, bees' wax, earth and mineral dyes. Water-based natural paints give off almost no smell. The oil-based natural paints usually have a pleasant fragrance of citrus or essential oils. Allergies and sensitivities to these paints is uncommon. These paints are the safest for your health and for the environment.
The Real Milk Paint Company - non-toxic paint made with milk protein, lime, clay and earth pigments. http://www.realmilkpaint.com/
Aglaia - plant-based natural paints and finishes for many applications. Available throughout the UK. No US distribution. (http://www.aglaiapaint.com/)
Livos - organic paint, stains, oils and waxes made using all natural ingredients. Coatings are linseed oil and citrus oil based, non toxic, low VOC and are designed primarily for wood. (http://www.livos.us/)
Auro - solvent-free, water-based natural paints and primers, finishes, stains and adhesives. Ships to US and Canada. (http://www.auro.ca/)
EcoDesign's BioShield - line of natural paints and finishes. (http://www.bioshieldpaint.com/)
Weather-Bos - line of natural stains, finishes and paints. Blends of natural oils and resins designed to adhere to the wood, forming a monolithic bond. (http://www.weatherbos.com/)
SoyGuard - soy-based exterior stains, water repellants and sealers for wood surfaces. (http://www.soyguard.com/)
Silacote - made from natural mineral compounds, for use on masonry, concrete and wallboard; interior/exterior. (http://www.silacote.com/)
Anna Sova - natural paints from milk casein, titanium dioxide and food-grade ingredients. (http://www.annasova.com/)
Green Planet Paints - high performance natural paints for interiors based on plants and minerals. (http://www.greenplanetpaints.com/)
Zero VOC
Any paint with VOC's in the range of 5 grams/litre or less can be called "Zero VOC", according to the EPA Reference Test Method 24. Some manufacturers may claim "Zero-VOC's", but these paints may still use colorants, biocides and fungicides with some VOC's. Adding a color tint usually brings the VOC level up to 10 grams/liter, which is still quite low.
AFM Safecoat - Flat interior latex; semi-gloss interior enamel. www.afmsafecoat.com (800-239-0321) ICI Lifemaster 2000 - Flat, Eggshell, semi-gloss interior; primer.(800 984-5444)
Best Paint Company - Zero-VOC Interior paints, primers and specialty products (faux glaze, varnish replacement, etc) and Low-VOC Exterior paints and primers. (http://www.bestpaintco.com/)
ICI Decra-Shield - exterior zero-VOC paints. (800 984-5444)
Kelly-Moore Enviro-Cote - ENVIRO-COTE line of paints are zero-VOC. (916 921-0165)
Devoe Wonder Pure - odor-free interior acrylic latex paints. (http://www.devoepaint.com/)
Ecoshield- Zero-VOC, low odor, ethylene glycol-free interior paints. Primer, flat, low-sheen, and semi-gloss. Manufactured by Dunn-Edwards. (http://www.dunnedwards.com/)
American Pride - Zero-VOC interior latex and acrylic enamel paints. (http://www.americanpridepaint.com/)
Sherwin Williams - new HARMONY line of zero-VOC low-odor latex interior paints. Flat, eggshell, semi-gloss and primer. (http://www.sherwin.com/)
Frazee Paint EnviroKote - line of interior zero-VOC paints: semi-gloss, flat, and primer.
Allied PhotoChemical - supplies zero-VOC, UV-curable paints, inks and coatings to manufacturers. (http://www.alliedphotochemical.com/)
Olympic Paint and Stain - Zero-VOC Olympic Premium interior line.Yolo Colorhouse - Zero-VOC, low-odor, premium interior paint. (yolocolorhouse.com)
Green Planet Paints - Zero-VOC, clay-based interior paints. (greenplanetpaints.com)
Benjamin Moore Pristine EcoSpec - Zero-VOC, under 1 gram/liter. Flat, eggshell, semi-gloss finishes and a primer.
Mythic Paints - Zero-VOC, interior and exterior paints, primers. (mythicpaint.com)
Homestead Paints - Zero-VOC, flat and low-sheen interior paints. (homesteadhouse.ca)
EarthSafePaints - Zero- and Low-VOC line of craft paints and finishes, marine finishes, home decor paints. (earthsafefinishes.com)
Low VOC paints, stains and varnishes use water as a carrier instead of petroleum-based solvents. As such, the levels of harmful emissions are lower than solvent-borne surface coatings. These certified coatings also contain no, or very low levels, of heavy metals and formaldehyde. The amount of VOC's varies among different "low-VOC" products, and is listed on the paint can or MSDS. Paints and stains, to meet EPA standards. must not contain VOCs in excess of 200 grams per litre. Varnishes must not contain VOCs in excess of 300 grams per liter. As a general rule, low VOC paints marketed by reputable paint manufacturers usually meet the 50 g/L VOC threshold. Paints with the Green Seal Standard (GS-11) mark are certified lower than 50 g/L (for flat sheen) or 150 g/L (for non-flat sheen).Low VOC paints will still emit an odor until dry. If you are particularly sensitive, make sure the paint you buy contains fewer than 25 grams/liter of VOC's.
Benjamin Moore Aura - Low VOC, covers most surfaces in a single coat, durable, scrubbable. (http://www.myaurapaints.com/)
Benjamin Moore Saman - Water-based wood stainsCloverdale Horizon - Flat, Eggshell, Semi-Gloss interior enamels
Cloverdale EcoLogic - Low VOC, under 10 grams/liter. Flat, Eggshell, Semi-Gloss interior.
Miller Paint - Acro solvent-free interior acrylic line
Vista Paint - Carefree Earth Coat line
PPG Architectural Finishes - Pittsburgh Paints Pure Performance line
OIKOS Paints - Interior and exterior paints, low voc, solvent-free. (http://www.oikos-paint.com/)
Timber Ox Green - vegetable oil based, low voc wood stain and preservatives. (http://www.timberoxinfo.com/)
Ethylene Glycol - a solvent used in latex paints, is listed as a hazardous substance and a toxic air contaminant under many federal and state regulations. A clear, colorless, odorless liquid, ethylene glycol and its vapor can be toxic to humans. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, throat and lungs, and allergic reactions are possible. Overexposure could lead to nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, coma, and respiratory failure. Repeated overexposure can permanently damage the kidneys. Among the major latex paint brands, the full line of Dunn-Edwards paints is ethylene glycol-free.
Non-toxic Paint Strippers Most paint strippers are caustic
they work by melting the paint. The active ingredient, methylene chloride, is a potential carcinogen.A new generation of biodegradable paint strippers is now entering the market. They are water-soluble, noncaustic and nontoxic - some can even be washed down the drain. Some examples are:
CitriStrip - from Specialty Environmental Technologies, in Auburn Hills, MI.
Woodfinisher's Pride - from W.M.Barr & Co, in Memphis, TN.
Ameristrip - from Safe Alternatives Corp, in Ridgefield, CT.
Peel Away - from Dumond Chemicals, in New York. (212-869-6350)
RemovAll and Bio-Wash - from Napier Environmental Technologies in Vancouver BC.
The active ingredient in these products is N-Methylpyrrolidone, an organic solvent. Rather than burning or melting, the compound chemically changes the paint itself, softening The downside? These new strippers are more expensive than their traditional counterparts, and they take longer to work.
PLEASE NOTE: Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy of the data listed on this page. However, a listing on this page should not be construed as a recommendation or endorsement by Eartheasy.com.
Bird-Safe Paints Pet birds can be hard on cages - often chewing, scratching or wearing the paint. They can ingest flakes of paint which can be harmful to their health, or can be sensitive to fumes from new paint. If you're planning on re-painting a bird cage, check out our page on Bird-Safe Paints for some helpful tips.
Read the label and product literature: Besides general information, look for: VOC Content: Usually listed in grams per liter, this can range from 5 to 200. Using a product with the lowest VOC content will yield the lowest overall health risk.Solids Content: Solids, or pigments, can range in concentration from 25% to 45% by volume. The higher the percent solids, the less volatiles in the paint.EPA, OSHA, DOT Registrations: When a product has an EPA, OHSA or DOT registration number, this means that it contains toxic ingredients which must be monitored. One way to ensure that you are using a product that is safe both for the environment and the applicator is to seek out products which are not registered with these agencies.
Buy the right amount of paint for the job. Before you begin a painting project, measure the area first. Calculate the area to be painted (height x width = total square feet). One gallon covers about 400 square feet.
Re-use Turpentine and Paint Thinners. Simply allow used thinner or turpentine to stand in a closed, labeled container until paint or dirt particles settle to the bottom. Pour off the clear liquid and reuse.
Avoid Cleaning Brushes and Rollers. Paint brushes and rollers used for an on-going project can be saved overnight, or even up to a week, without cleaning at all. Simply wrap the brush or roller snugly in a plastic bag, such as a bread or produce bag. Squeeze out air pockets and store away from light. The paint won't dry because air can't get to it. Simply unwrap the brush or roller the next day and continue with the job. (This works for water and oil-based paints and stains. It does not work for varnishes or lacquers.)When you do finally wash you brushes or rollers, wash them in a bucket of water than than in the sink. Pour the used paint-laden water in a sealed container and bring to your local waste depot along with your empty paint cans.
Natural Brush Cleaner. Turpentine, made from the resin of coniferous trees, is an environmentally-friendly solvent. It is excellent for cleaning brushes used with oil-based paints, and for cleaning up small drips. Use a short glass jar, filled no higher than the bristles. Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. After cleaning the brush, rinse with water.
Circulate. To reduce the impact of indoor air pollutants, circulate fresh air through your house as often as possible. Avoid the use of spray paints altogether. When painting ceilings, especially, be sure to provide cross-ventilation to remove paint fumes. Fumes rise as paint dries, and so with ceilings the fumes dissipate more slowly since there's no air above the paint. You can reduce fresh paint odors by placing a small dish of white vinegar in the room.
Beware Old Lead Paint. Paint manufactured before the 70's contains lead, which has harmful effects on health and development. If the paint is still in good shape, you can paint over it, or leave it be - lead is only poisonous if ingested or inhaled. If paint must be removed in small areas, wet the surface and scrape carefully. Never sand dry lead paint. Clean up with trisodium phosphate (TSP). For large areas, call in a professional certified in lead abatement.
Store partially full cans upside down. Leftover paint can be saved for months if stored properly. Make sure the lids are well sealed, then store the cans upside down. This prevents air from getting insed the can and causing the paint to thicken and dry.
Remember the BUD rule. BUY no more product than you need. Ask your retailer for help in assessing the quantity you need. USE up all the product you buy. Give leftovers to a neighbor or community organization. DISPOSE of leftovers in a safe, responsible manner.
Consumers can help speed the development and lower the cost of non-toxic paints by choosing products which contain fewer hazardous ingredients. Choosing to use non toxic, environmentally safe paints and stains can also greatly reduce the amount of toxins in the air, water and earth.
this sustainable info and more found at www.eartheasy.com
It's socially responsible and safer.
Organic Paint
Organic paints are made from natural substances found in the earth. There are no chemicals or toxins found in organic paint. Materials such as water, plant dyes, plant oils and resin, clay talcum, milk, bee's wax, natural latex, are used to create organic paint. There are many different brands. The Real Milk Company, Aglaia, Livos, Auro, Eco Design's Bio Brand, Soy Gaurd, Silacote, Anna Sova and Green Plant Paints.
Why is Organic Paint Better?
Organic paint is better for many reasons...
First, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, nine percent of ground level ozone - smog - is produced from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in conventional paint. Organic paints are low or zero VOC paints.
Second, aside from contributing to smog, VOCs can cause irratation in eyes, upper respiratory tract infections, headaches, diddiness, memory impairment, and visual disorders.
Third, if you're the one painting, those generally nasty side effects are pointed at you, so why no protect yourself? And, lets's not forget that traditional paint contains dangerous chemicals such as lead, cadmium, mercury perservatives, and chromate pigments - there's just no reason to subject yourself, your family, or the enviroment to any of that.
So, if you're going to be painting this season, keep organic paint in mind. It's socially responsible and safer.
Indoor air is three times more polluted than outdoor air, and according to the EPA, is considered one of the top 5 hazards to human health. Paints and finishes are among the leading causes.
Paints and finishes release low level toxic emissions into the air for years after application. The source of these toxins is a variey of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which, until recently, were essential to the performance of the paint.
New environmental regulations, and consumer demand, have led to the development of low-VOC and zero-VOC paints and finishes. Most paint manufacturers now produce one or more non-VOC variety of paint. These new paints are durable, cost-effective and less harmful to human and environmental health.
Health. Reduced toxins benefit everyone, including those with allergies and chemical sensitivities.
Environment. Reduces landfill, groundwater and ozone depleting contaminants.
Effective. Low-VOC products perform well in terms of coverage, scrubability and hideability (covering flaws on previous coats).
Water-Based. Easy cleanup wtih soap and warm water.
Little or No Hazardous Fumes. Low odor during application; no odor once cured. No off-gassing. Painted areas can be occupied sooner, with no odor complaints.
Not Deemed Hazardous Waste. Cleanup and disposal greatly simplified.
Non-Toxic Paints and Finishes
The term "non-toxic" is used here in its broadest sense. With paints and finishes, it's more a matter of degree. Even Zero-VOC formulations contain some small amounts of toxins. Here are three general categories of non-toxic (or low-toxic) paints: Natural Paints, Zero VOC, and Low VOC
Natural Paints and Finishes
These are paints made from natural raw ingredients such as water, plant oils and resins, plant dyes and essential oils; natural minerals such as clay, chalk and talcum; milk casein, natural latex, bees' wax, earth and mineral dyes. Water-based natural paints give off almost no smell. The oil-based natural paints usually have a pleasant fragrance of citrus or essential oils. Allergies and sensitivities to these paints is uncommon. These paints are the safest for your health and for the environment.
The Real Milk Paint Company - non-toxic paint made with milk protein, lime, clay and earth pigments. http://www.realmilkpaint.com/
Aglaia - plant-based natural paints and finishes for many applications. Available throughout the UK. No US distribution. (http://www.aglaiapaint.com/)
Livos - organic paint, stains, oils and waxes made using all natural ingredients. Coatings are linseed oil and citrus oil based, non toxic, low VOC and are designed primarily for wood. (http://www.livos.us/)
Auro - solvent-free, water-based natural paints and primers, finishes, stains and adhesives. Ships to US and Canada. (http://www.auro.ca/)
EcoDesign's BioShield - line of natural paints and finishes. (http://www.bioshieldpaint.com/)
Weather-Bos - line of natural stains, finishes and paints. Blends of natural oils and resins designed to adhere to the wood, forming a monolithic bond. (http://www.weatherbos.com/)
SoyGuard - soy-based exterior stains, water repellants and sealers for wood surfaces. (http://www.soyguard.com/)
Silacote - made from natural mineral compounds, for use on masonry, concrete and wallboard; interior/exterior. (http://www.silacote.com/)
Anna Sova - natural paints from milk casein, titanium dioxide and food-grade ingredients. (http://www.annasova.com/)
Green Planet Paints - high performance natural paints for interiors based on plants and minerals. (http://www.greenplanetpaints.com/)
Zero VOC
Any paint with VOC's in the range of 5 grams/litre or less can be called "Zero VOC", according to the EPA Reference Test Method 24. Some manufacturers may claim "Zero-VOC's", but these paints may still use colorants, biocides and fungicides with some VOC's. Adding a color tint usually brings the VOC level up to 10 grams/liter, which is still quite low.
AFM Safecoat - Flat interior latex; semi-gloss interior enamel. www.afmsafecoat.com (800-239-0321) ICI Lifemaster 2000 - Flat, Eggshell, semi-gloss interior; primer.(800 984-5444)
Best Paint Company - Zero-VOC Interior paints, primers and specialty products (faux glaze, varnish replacement, etc) and Low-VOC Exterior paints and primers. (http://www.bestpaintco.com/)
ICI Decra-Shield - exterior zero-VOC paints. (800 984-5444)
Kelly-Moore Enviro-Cote - ENVIRO-COTE line of paints are zero-VOC. (916 921-0165)
Devoe Wonder Pure - odor-free interior acrylic latex paints. (http://www.devoepaint.com/)
Ecoshield- Zero-VOC, low odor, ethylene glycol-free interior paints. Primer, flat, low-sheen, and semi-gloss. Manufactured by Dunn-Edwards. (http://www.dunnedwards.com/)
American Pride - Zero-VOC interior latex and acrylic enamel paints. (http://www.americanpridepaint.com/)
Sherwin Williams - new HARMONY line of zero-VOC low-odor latex interior paints. Flat, eggshell, semi-gloss and primer. (http://www.sherwin.com/)
Frazee Paint EnviroKote - line of interior zero-VOC paints: semi-gloss, flat, and primer.
Allied PhotoChemical - supplies zero-VOC, UV-curable paints, inks and coatings to manufacturers. (http://www.alliedphotochemical.com/)
Olympic Paint and Stain - Zero-VOC Olympic Premium interior line.Yolo Colorhouse - Zero-VOC, low-odor, premium interior paint. (yolocolorhouse.com)
Green Planet Paints - Zero-VOC, clay-based interior paints. (greenplanetpaints.com)
Benjamin Moore Pristine EcoSpec - Zero-VOC, under 1 gram/liter. Flat, eggshell, semi-gloss finishes and a primer.
Mythic Paints - Zero-VOC, interior and exterior paints, primers. (mythicpaint.com)
Homestead Paints - Zero-VOC, flat and low-sheen interior paints. (homesteadhouse.ca)
EarthSafePaints - Zero- and Low-VOC line of craft paints and finishes, marine finishes, home decor paints. (earthsafefinishes.com)
Low VOC paints, stains and varnishes use water as a carrier instead of petroleum-based solvents. As such, the levels of harmful emissions are lower than solvent-borne surface coatings. These certified coatings also contain no, or very low levels, of heavy metals and formaldehyde. The amount of VOC's varies among different "low-VOC" products, and is listed on the paint can or MSDS. Paints and stains, to meet EPA standards. must not contain VOCs in excess of 200 grams per litre. Varnishes must not contain VOCs in excess of 300 grams per liter. As a general rule, low VOC paints marketed by reputable paint manufacturers usually meet the 50 g/L VOC threshold. Paints with the Green Seal Standard (GS-11) mark are certified lower than 50 g/L (for flat sheen) or 150 g/L (for non-flat sheen).Low VOC paints will still emit an odor until dry. If you are particularly sensitive, make sure the paint you buy contains fewer than 25 grams/liter of VOC's.
Benjamin Moore Aura - Low VOC, covers most surfaces in a single coat, durable, scrubbable. (http://www.myaurapaints.com/)
Benjamin Moore Saman - Water-based wood stainsCloverdale Horizon - Flat, Eggshell, Semi-Gloss interior enamels
Cloverdale EcoLogic - Low VOC, under 10 grams/liter. Flat, Eggshell, Semi-Gloss interior.
Miller Paint - Acro solvent-free interior acrylic line
Vista Paint - Carefree Earth Coat line
PPG Architectural Finishes - Pittsburgh Paints Pure Performance line
OIKOS Paints - Interior and exterior paints, low voc, solvent-free. (http://www.oikos-paint.com/)
Timber Ox Green - vegetable oil based, low voc wood stain and preservatives. (http://www.timberoxinfo.com/)
Ethylene Glycol - a solvent used in latex paints, is listed as a hazardous substance and a toxic air contaminant under many federal and state regulations. A clear, colorless, odorless liquid, ethylene glycol and its vapor can be toxic to humans. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, throat and lungs, and allergic reactions are possible. Overexposure could lead to nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, coma, and respiratory failure. Repeated overexposure can permanently damage the kidneys. Among the major latex paint brands, the full line of Dunn-Edwards paints is ethylene glycol-free.
Non-toxic Paint Strippers Most paint strippers are caustic
they work by melting the paint. The active ingredient, methylene chloride, is a potential carcinogen.A new generation of biodegradable paint strippers is now entering the market. They are water-soluble, noncaustic and nontoxic - some can even be washed down the drain. Some examples are:
CitriStrip - from Specialty Environmental Technologies, in Auburn Hills, MI.
Woodfinisher's Pride - from W.M.Barr & Co, in Memphis, TN.
Ameristrip - from Safe Alternatives Corp, in Ridgefield, CT.
Peel Away - from Dumond Chemicals, in New York. (212-869-6350)
RemovAll and Bio-Wash - from Napier Environmental Technologies in Vancouver BC.
The active ingredient in these products is N-Methylpyrrolidone, an organic solvent. Rather than burning or melting, the compound chemically changes the paint itself, softening The downside? These new strippers are more expensive than their traditional counterparts, and they take longer to work.
PLEASE NOTE: Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy of the data listed on this page. However, a listing on this page should not be construed as a recommendation or endorsement by Eartheasy.com.
Bird-Safe Paints Pet birds can be hard on cages - often chewing, scratching or wearing the paint. They can ingest flakes of paint which can be harmful to their health, or can be sensitive to fumes from new paint. If you're planning on re-painting a bird cage, check out our page on Bird-Safe Paints for some helpful tips.
Read the label and product literature: Besides general information, look for: VOC Content: Usually listed in grams per liter, this can range from 5 to 200. Using a product with the lowest VOC content will yield the lowest overall health risk.Solids Content: Solids, or pigments, can range in concentration from 25% to 45% by volume. The higher the percent solids, the less volatiles in the paint.EPA, OSHA, DOT Registrations: When a product has an EPA, OHSA or DOT registration number, this means that it contains toxic ingredients which must be monitored. One way to ensure that you are using a product that is safe both for the environment and the applicator is to seek out products which are not registered with these agencies.
Buy the right amount of paint for the job. Before you begin a painting project, measure the area first. Calculate the area to be painted (height x width = total square feet). One gallon covers about 400 square feet.
Re-use Turpentine and Paint Thinners. Simply allow used thinner or turpentine to stand in a closed, labeled container until paint or dirt particles settle to the bottom. Pour off the clear liquid and reuse.
Avoid Cleaning Brushes and Rollers. Paint brushes and rollers used for an on-going project can be saved overnight, or even up to a week, without cleaning at all. Simply wrap the brush or roller snugly in a plastic bag, such as a bread or produce bag. Squeeze out air pockets and store away from light. The paint won't dry because air can't get to it. Simply unwrap the brush or roller the next day and continue with the job. (This works for water and oil-based paints and stains. It does not work for varnishes or lacquers.)When you do finally wash you brushes or rollers, wash them in a bucket of water than than in the sink. Pour the used paint-laden water in a sealed container and bring to your local waste depot along with your empty paint cans.
Natural Brush Cleaner. Turpentine, made from the resin of coniferous trees, is an environmentally-friendly solvent. It is excellent for cleaning brushes used with oil-based paints, and for cleaning up small drips. Use a short glass jar, filled no higher than the bristles. Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. After cleaning the brush, rinse with water.
Circulate. To reduce the impact of indoor air pollutants, circulate fresh air through your house as often as possible. Avoid the use of spray paints altogether. When painting ceilings, especially, be sure to provide cross-ventilation to remove paint fumes. Fumes rise as paint dries, and so with ceilings the fumes dissipate more slowly since there's no air above the paint. You can reduce fresh paint odors by placing a small dish of white vinegar in the room.
Beware Old Lead Paint. Paint manufactured before the 70's contains lead, which has harmful effects on health and development. If the paint is still in good shape, you can paint over it, or leave it be - lead is only poisonous if ingested or inhaled. If paint must be removed in small areas, wet the surface and scrape carefully. Never sand dry lead paint. Clean up with trisodium phosphate (TSP). For large areas, call in a professional certified in lead abatement.
Store partially full cans upside down. Leftover paint can be saved for months if stored properly. Make sure the lids are well sealed, then store the cans upside down. This prevents air from getting insed the can and causing the paint to thicken and dry.
Remember the BUD rule. BUY no more product than you need. Ask your retailer for help in assessing the quantity you need. USE up all the product you buy. Give leftovers to a neighbor or community organization. DISPOSE of leftovers in a safe, responsible manner.
Consumers can help speed the development and lower the cost of non-toxic paints by choosing products which contain fewer hazardous ingredients. Choosing to use non toxic, environmentally safe paints and stains can also greatly reduce the amount of toxins in the air, water and earth.
this sustainable info and more found at www.eartheasy.com
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