For all of you naysayers, commenters, and people out there who like to pass judgement on my lifestyle choices... you know who you are.
For the record, I base my choices on facts.
What do you base your criticism on?
I would like to challenge you to read this book. Scientific shocking hardcore FACTS that will hopefully open you eyes to the REAL truth on nutrition, especially for all of you meat-eaters and dairy-asses out there.
Or how about a easier challenge... for those of you who prefer to live in denial. Just read these 16 quotes posted below from doctors and experts in nutrition and I am sure you will want to read this book. Hands down it will be the BEST thing you could ever do for yourself and your family
The most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted…
Startling implications for diet, weight loss and long term health.
By T. Colin Campbell, PH.D.
And Thomas M. Campbell II
By any measure, America’s health is failing. We spend more, per ca pita, on health care than any other society in the world, and yet two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and more than 15 million Americans have diabetes. We fall prey to heart disease as often as we did thirty years ago. The War on Cancer, launched in the 1970’s has been a miserable failure. Half of all Americans have a health problem that requires a prescription drug every week, and more than 100 million Americans have high cholesterol.
To make matters worse, we are leading our youth down a path of disease earlier and earlier in their lives. One-third of the children in this country are overweight or at a risk of becoming overweight. Our kids are increasingly falling prey to a form of diabetes that used to be seen only in adults, and children now take more prescription drugs than ever before.
These issues come down to three things…
breakfast, lunch and dinner.
If you are like most Americans today, you are surrounded by fast food chain restaurants. You are barraged by ads for junk food. You see other ads, for weight-loss programs, that say you can eat whatever you want, not exercise, and still lose weight. It’s easier to find a snickers bar, a Big Mac, or a Coke than it is to find an apple. And your kids eat at a school cafeteria whose idea of a vegetable is the ketchup on the burgers.
You go to your doctor for health tips. In the waiting room, you find a glossy 243-page magazine titled Family Doctor; Your Essential Guide to Health and Well-being. Published by the American Academy of family Physicians and sent free to the offices of all 50,000 family doctors in the United States in 2004, it’s full of glossy full-page ads for McDonald’s, Dr Pepper, chocolate pudding and Oreo cookies.
You pick up an issue of National Geographic Kids, a magazine published by the National Geographic Society “for ages six and up,” expecting to find wholesome reading for youngsters. The pages, however, are filled with ads for Twinkies, M&Ms, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Hostess Cup Cakes, and Extreem Jell-O pudding Sticks.
This is what scientists and food activists at Yale University call a toxic food environment. It is that certain people are making an awful lot of money today selling foods that are unhealthy. They want you to keep eating the foods they sell, even though doing so makes you fat, depletes your vitality and shortens and degrades your life. They want you docile, compliant, and ignorant. They do not want you informed, active, and passionately alive, and they are quite willing to spend billions of dollars annually to accomplish their goals.
You can acquiesce to all of this, you can succumb to the junk food sellers, or you can find a healthier and more affirming relationship with your body and the food you eat.
The China Study presents a clear and concise message of hope as it dispels a multitude of health myths and misinformation; if you want to be healthy, change your diet.
National Best Seller
“The China Study gives critical, life-saving nutritional information for every health seeker in America. But it is much more; Dr. Campbell’s expose of the research and medical establishment makes this book a fascinating read and one that could change the future for all of us. Every health care provider and researcher in the world must read it.”
- Joel Fuhrman, MD, Author of the Best-Selling Book, Eat To Live
“Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders of Dr. Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field. This is one of the most important books about nutrition ever written – reading it may safe your life.”
- Dean Ornish, M.D., Founder & President Preventive Medicine research Institute Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, Author, Dr, Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Hearth Disease and Love and Survival
“Backed by well-documented, peer-reviewed studies and overwhelming statistics the case for a vegetarian diet as a foundation for a healthy life-style has never been stronger.”
- Bradly Saul, OrganicAthlete.com
“The China Study is the most important book on nutrition and health to come out in the last seventy-five years. Everyone should read it, and it should be the model for all nutritional programs taught at universities. The reading is engrossing if not astounding. The science is conclusive. Dr. Campbell’s integrity and commitment to truthful nutrition education shine through.”
- David Klein, Publisher/Editor, Living Nutrition Magazine
“The China Study describes a monumental survey of diet and death rates from cancer in more than 2,400 Chinese countries and the equally monumental efforts to explore its significance and implications for nutrition and health. Dr. Campbell and his son, Thomas, have written a lively, provocative and important book that deserves widespread attention”
- Frank Rhodes, PH.D., President (1978-1995) Emeritus, Cornell University
“Colin Campbell’s The China Study is an important book, and a highly readable one. With his son, Tom, Colin studies the relationship between diet and disease, and his conclusions are startling. The China Study is a story that needs to be heard.”
- Robert C. Richardson, PH.D., Nobel Prize Winner, Professor of Physics and Vice President of Research, Cornell University
“The China Study is the account of a ground breaking research study that provides the answers to long sought by physicians, scientists and health-conscious readers. Based on painstaking investigations over many years, it unearths surprising answers to the most important nutritional questions of our time: what really causes cancer? How can we extend our lives? What will turn around the obesity epidemic? The China Study quickly and easily dispenses with fad diets, relying on solid and convincing evidence. Clearly and beautifully written by one of the world’s most respected nutrition authorities, The China Study represents a major turning point in our understanding of health.”
- Neal Barnard, M.D., President Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine
“The China Study is the most convincing evidence yet on preventing heart disease, cancer and other Western diseases by dietary means. It is the book of choice for both economically developed countries and for countries undergoing rapid economical transition and lifestyle change.”
- Junshi Chen, M.D., PH.D., Senior Research Professor Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
“All concerned with the obesity epidemic, their own health, and the staggering environmental and social impacts of the Western diet will find wise and practical solutions in Dr. Campbell’s The China Study”
- Robert Goodland, Lead Advisor on the Environment The World Bank Group (1978-2001)
“Dr. Campbell’s book The China Study is a moving and insightful history of the struggle – still ongoing- to understand and explain the vital connection between our health and what we eat. Dr. Campbell knows this subject from the inside: he has pioneered the investigation of the diet-cancer link since the days of the seminal China Study, the NAS report, Diet, Nutrition and Cancer and AICR’s expert panel report, Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective. Consequently, he is able to illuminate every aspect of this question. Today, AICR advocated a predominantly plant based diet for lower cancer risks because of the great work Dr. Campbell and just a few other visionaries began twenty-five years ago.”
- Marlilyn Gentry, President American Cancer Institute Research
“The China Study is a well-documented analysis of the fallacies of the modern diet, lifestyle and medicine and the quick fix approach that often fails. The lessons from China provide compelling rational for a plant- based diet to promote health and reduce the risk of the disease of affluence.”
- Sushma Palmer, PH.D., Former Executive director Food and Nutrition Board, U.S. National Academy of Science
“The China Study is a rare treat. Finally, a world-renowned nutritional scholar has explained the truth about diet and health in a way that everyone can easily understand – a starting truth that everyone needs to know. In this superb volume, Dr. Campbell has distilled, with his son, Tom, for us the wisdom of his brilliant career. If you feel any confusion about how to find the healthiest path for yourself and your family, you will find precious answers in The China Study, Don’t miss it!”
- Douglas J. Lisle, PH.D., & Alan Goldhammer, D.C., Authors of The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force That Undermines Health and Happiness
"The China Study is extraordinarily helpful, suburbly written and profoundly important. Dr. Campbell's work is revolutionary in its implications and spectacular in its clarity. I learned an immense amount from this brave and wise book. If you want to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast and then take cholesterol-lowering medication, that's your right. But if you want to truly take charge of your health, read The China Study and do it soon! If you heed the conceal of this outstanding guide, your body will thank you every day for the rest of your life."
- John Robbins, Author of the Best-selling Books diet for a New America and The Food Revolution
“So many diet and health books contain conflicting advice, but most have one thing in common – an agenda to sell something. Dr. Campbell’s only agenda is the truth. As a distinguished professor at\ Cornell University, Dr. Campbell is the Einstein of nutrition. The China Study is based on hardcore scientific research, not the rank speculations of a Zone, Atkins, SugarBusters or any other current fad. Dr. Campbell lays out his lifetime of research in an accessible, entertaining way. Read this book and you will know why.”
- Jeff Nelson, President, VegSource.com (the most visited food Web site in the world)
“If you’re looking to enhance your health, performance and your success read The China Study immediately. Finally, scientifically valid guidance on how much protein we need and where we should get it. The impact of these findings is enormous.”
- John Allen Mollenhauer, Founder MyTrainer.com and NutrientRich.com
"The study can be considered the Grand Prix of Epidemiology"
-The New York Times
If after reading all of that praise for The China Study doesn’t motivate you to get informed... then you are hopeless. ...sorry.
For those of you who want to evolve and live a long healthy life…
Don’t wait another second. Your life will never be that same.
Hi Lindsay, Your blog is awesome. I have a question about Vitamin B12 and B Complex shots. I have been feeling a little under the weather and I took a shot of Vitamin B in the ass today. The doctor suggested I come back every 2 weeks for another shot. He said its very healthy for my hair, skin, and brain function. Also, he said it would boost my energy level and help me lose weight. Clearly the doctor was advising that I shed a few pounds (just kidding). Any way, do you think this is a healthy or unhealthy choice. Thanks, Nadine
ReplyDeleteHello Nadine..
ReplyDeleteYes B12 shot are great... especially if you are depleted. When I went to Sanoviv they gave me B12 IVs. You can see my exact program i blogged about in April if you click this link...
In fact Sanoviv sent me home with shots to give myself. I have my mom (who is a nurse) give them to me ... in my ass. (just thought I would mention that since you did)
The only down side is with B12 shots is.. you ass hurts.