During my stay at Sanoviv I was pleasantly introduced to Colon Hydrotherapy. I had heard of it before but I never thought of it as something I should do. Being on my vegan diet, an in general… “going” was never really a problem for me. Since then I have to admit… what a difference! Everybody should get one… no joke!
Colon Hydrotherapy has been one of the best therapies that I have ever experienced. True health requires a healthy digestive system, because 80% of our immune is in the digestive tract. People under estimate digestion as a requirement for wellness but if you read these interesting facts I learned while at Sanoviv you may begin to understand.
What is Colon hydrotherapy?
Colon hydrotherapy, also know as a colonic, colon lavage or high colonic, colon irrigation is a safe effective method for cleansing the colon of waste by repeated, gentle flushing of water therapy that involves repeated infusions of filtered warm water into the colon by a certified colon therapist. There is no odor or health risk is involved. Cleansing your colon is an important step to detox your body, this process is different for everyone, some people can cleanse in 3 weeks and others may take 3 months.
The therapeutic benefits of colon hydrotherapy are; improved muscle tone, reduced stagnation, reduce toxic waste absorption, and thorough colon cleansing and balancing for optimum wellness. We all know that our body functions as a whole, body, mind, spirit… lets not forget about our colon!
What is the colon?
The colon, or the large intestine, is the portion of the human digestive tract (food carrying passageway extending from the mouth to the anus) The colon is approximately 3 to 5 feet long and 2 ½ inches in diameter. Its major functions are to eliminate waste and to conserve water. There are bacteria living in the colon, which synthesize valuable nutrients such as vitamins “K” and a portion of the “B” complex.
What is the purpose of getting a colonic?
Waste material, especially that which has remained in the colon for some time, (i.e. impacted feces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucous, parasites, worms etc.) poses several problems. First this material is quite toxic (poisonous). These poisons can re-enter and circulate in the blood stream making us feel ill, tired or weak. Second, Impacted material impairs the colon’s ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria produced vitamins. A build up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements and constipation.
How can I tell if I have toxic material in my colon?
This condition is prevalent in all civilized societies, and particularly in America. Common signs include: headaches, back aches, constipation, fatigue, bad breath, body odor, irritability, confusion, skin blemishes, abdominal gas, bloating, diarrhea, sciatic pain, distention of the abdomen, overweight, as you can see, intestinal toxicity is a part and parcel of many people’s everyday experience.
What will the colonics do for the colon?
Specifically, a colonic is used to accomplish the following:
It cleanses the colon: toxic material is broken so it can no longer harm your body of inhibit assimilation and elimination. Even debris built up over a long period id gently, but surely removed. Your colon can begin to again to cooperate as it was meant to do. In this very real sense, colonics are a rejuvenation treatment.
It exercises the colon muscle: the build up of toxic debris weakens the colon and impairs it’s functioning. The gentle filling end emptying of the colon improves peristaltic (muscular condition) activity by which the colon naturally moves.
It reshapes the colon: when problem conditions exist in the colon, they tend to alter its shape, which in turn causes more problems. The gentle action of the water, coupled with the massage techniques of the colon therapist helps to eliminate pockets of waste and narrowed, spastic constrictions finally enabling the colon to resume its natural state.
It stimulates reflex points: every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. Colon irrigation stimulates these points, thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way (similar to reflexology)
It hydrates the colon: this assists with elimination.
Are there any additional benefits I might expect from a colonic?
Yes, there are several. Working with a skilled therapist, a colonic can be a truly enlightening education process. You will learn to expand your awareness of your body’s function by including signals from your abdomen. Your skin, your face and even from that most taboo of natural products, your elimination. You will find that even you can spot the beginning of developing conditions through clues from these body regions and functions before they become serious. You can deal with them sooner and more easily than you otherwise might if you waited until they produced effects seen elsewhere in your body.
Also, the solar plexus is the emotional center of the body, and the transverse colon passes right through it. Is an emotional event is left uncompleted; it often results in physical tension being stored in the solar plexus, which affects all organs of the area, including the colon. This ongoing tightening of the colon muscle results in diminished movement of fecal material though the colon, which is experienced as constipation. Not only do colonics alleviate constipation, they can assist you in recognizing and releasing the stored emotions causing the problem. In effect, colonics assist you in creating a fully holistic view of your body’s functioning, leading to a better quality of life.
It sounds like intestinal toxicity is a common problem?
Yes, it is, but toxicity is not limited just to the colon. Toxic material is found throughout the body, particularly in fat tissue, joints, arteries, muscle, liver etc. colonics effectively eliminates large quantities of toxic material, affecting the condition on the entire body.
The colon isn’t the only organ of elimination, what makes the colon so important?
While the lungs, skin, kidneys, and liver also serve to eliminate toxins, people have experienced throughout history that when they ensure that the colon is cleansed and healed, the well being of the whole body is greatly enhanced. Colonic irrigation had been found easily, especially combined with detox and other therapies.
It is important to cleanse the colon, but could you use enemas, suppositories or laxatives instead?
Everything has its proper place, but those things really aren’t substitutes for the colonics. Enemas are useful for emptying the rectum and the lowest 8 to 12 inches of the 5’ colon.
Usually, one or two quarts of water are used to do that. Suppositories are intended to empty the rectum. Laxatives particularly herbal laxatives are formulated for various purposes, such as: to undo the effects of temporary constipation. To build –up the tone of the colon muscle. The fastest and most effective way of colon cleansing without question is colonic irrigation.
What makes a colonic so special?
In a 30-45 minute session as much as 20-35 gallons of water is used to gently flush the colon. Through appropriate use of massage, pressure points, reflexology, breathing techniques, suggestion. The colon therapist is able to work loose and eliminate far more toxic waste than any other short term technique.
I can certainly relate to some of the signs of toxicity you mentioned. What if I would like to know is what are characteristics of a healthy, well -functioning colon?
Healthy babies, animals, adults not subjected to the “refinements” of civilization (i.e. aboriginal peoples) have bowel movements shortly after each meal is eaten. So, assuming there is sufficient fiber and water available to the colon, one characteristic is a bowel movement shortly after each meal is eaten. Once the urge to eliminate is honored by a trip to the toilet, the elimination should be easy and take no longer than 10 seconds. The stool will be long, large in diameter, light brown in color, without offensive odor, and should float or sink very slowly. When the toilet is flushed, the stool immediately begins to break apart by the action of water movement. As incredible as this may sound, it is true and commonly experienced in cultures where people live more naturally.
How can I tell if I would personally benefit from a colonic?
Does your colon now exhibit the signs of a well functioning colon? If not, one or more session with a knowledgeable colon therapist may bring you great dividends.
It sounds like a colonic it may be good for me, but will it be painful?
It rarely is. Usually painful experiences are the result of resistance and tension. A professional colon therapist is skilled at putting you at ease and minimizing any discomfort. Most people actually enjoy the colonic and are especially pleased with the unaccustomed sensation of feeling lighter, clean, and clear afterwards. Sometimes during the colonic, the colon muscle will contract, suddenly expelling considerable amounts of liquids and waste into the rectum. This may feel like cramping or gas and may create a feeling of urgency to empty the rectum. Such episodes, if they do occur, are brief and easily tolerated. The discomfort is not anymore uncomfortable than having to go the bathroom. That is also true for the hydrotherapy as well, as the water fills up your colon, once you feel full or the need to “go” the therapist will release and any discomfort you will go away with the release.
If it embarrassing to get a colonic or does it smell?
No, not at all. You will fully maintain your personal dignity. You will be in a private room with only you and your therapist, who fully appreciates the sensitivity of the colonic procedure and will help you feel at ease. Your emotions will be acknowledged and honored. After the gentle insertion of a small 3- inch speculum into the rectum, you are completely covered. Disposable equipment carries clean water in and waste out in a mildly pressured system. The mess and odor sometimes present during an enema simply does not exist during a colonic. In fact my last colon cleansing at Hippocrates Institute, when my mother and I went for Mother’s Day colonics (my gift to her for mother’s day); the Amazing therapist added her own personal to touch and used aromatherapy during the therapy. This made the experience incomparable to my prior colonics. She placed a few drops of peppermint oil in my naval and then a hot towel over my belly to start. And then a few drops of her “goddess blend” of essential oils on my hand as a reminder to what a goddess I am. This simple addition to the therapy made this one of the BEST treatments I have ever had.
Is there anything I need to do to get ready for a colonic?
Since the abdomen will be massaged, it is a good idea to eat or drink lightly immediately preceding a colonic. Also, emptying the rectum with an enema prior to the colonic saves time and allows more to be accomplished with ease.
And what can I expect afterwards?
Hopefully, you will feel great. Probably you’ll feel lighter and enjoy a sense of well being. Not infrequently, someone getting his or her first colonic will remark that it was much better than they imagined. Any activity you would ordinarily be doing such as work or exercise is just fine to do. For some, the colonic may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the nest few hours, but there won’t be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. It is also possible you may feel light-headed or chilled for a few minutes following the colonic.
I have been told that, to be beneficial, one needs to “take a series” of colonic what does this mean and is it true?
It’s important to be aware of your objective when working with a colon therapist. For example, if your objective is to quickly recover from the flu, or lower a fever, or eliminate a lower backache or headache, very possible one or two colonics may be all that is needed.
However, perhaps your objective is to overcome a life-long habit of constipation, to learn to create multiple daily bowel movements, and achieve vital health. To do this may require, in addition to possible dietary, exercise, and additional changes, regular colonics for some time. How many may depend on the condition of your body and how well it responds to treatment.
Having colonics regularly for a while, such as daily, weekly, or multiple times per week, is what is referred to as a “series”. Many colon therapists believe that to obtain a result of lasting benefit, a series of colonics must be undertaken. Again, this can only be properly considered once an objective has been identified.
If colonics are so good, why haven’t I heard about them before?
In a way, the answer to that is a commentary on our present-day lifestyles. Historically, artifacts and records show that people have regularly purified their bodies, including cleansing the colon. Around the turn of the 20th century, the present- day colonic machine was developed, providing a significantly improved method of accomplishing colon cleansing. Up to the last 1920’s, many medical doctors had colonic machines in their offices, and machines were found in hospitals as well. Articles dealing with colon health frequently appeared in prestigious medical and scientific journals until the early 1930’s. At that time modern man began a 50 year love affair with drug and surgery. These seemed to offer less instant relief for bodily aliments, resulting in purification and prevention techniques becoming less attractive.
Recently, however, there has been a resurgence of interest in using natural approaches for healing the body, and colonics have rapidly been regaining the respectability they have already earned.
Are regular colonics dangerous in any way?
Being essentially a natural process, there is virtually no danger with a colonic. A skilled therapist will always exercise care. Also, colonics are never performed on a pregnant woman, a person with currently active ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, or following recent colon surgery. There has never been a reported medical complaint about a colonic.
I am a woman. What if I am having my period?
No problem. It’s perfectly safe and beneficial to have a colonic during your period. In fact, some women find having colonics on the day their period starts reduced the amount of menstrual discomfort experienced. (I can say that this is true) While we’re on the subject, many women have noticed that after completing a cleansing program (also known as detoxification) that menstrual discomfort had been eliminated or substantially reduced from that time on. (Also true for me too)
I’m worried that I could become dependant on colonics. If I get too many, the colon may stop functioning on its own. Are colonics habit forming?
The colonic is a tool intended to be used to create a clean and healthy colon. A colon therapist who is dedicated to your health will encourage you to set a goal of having a well functioning colon. Their fulfillment comes from assisting you in healing your colon, not making you dependant upon colonics. Actually, one of its better features is that colonics can be used to tone the colon muscle so that the colon doesn’t perform sluggishly. Many people who have sluggish bowels may take days for bowel movements to return after a good colonic. This is when people think they are becoming “dependant” on colonics. One good colonic is worth 20-30 regular bowel movements. So it many take some time for the fecal matter to build up in the colon once again if one has a sluggish colon.
When the colon is sluggish and bowel movements do not return for a few days after one colonic, it is an indication that extensive colon work is needed to remove the debris that the bowel has built up over the years. This build-up of fecal matter has decreased the muscular action in the colon. Once a series of colonics is completed, the colon will begin to function more like Mother Nature had intended.
Colonics give you a feeling of being lighter, cleaner, and healthier with a sense of well-being. Cleansing and building programs offer preventative measures so that you can be in control of your own health. Dietary changes are usually necessary to ensure long lasting and vital health.
Will a colonic make me constipated or give diarrhea?
The most frequent post- colonic experience is to have a slight delay in bowel movements and the resumption of somewhat larger, easier- to move stools.
Sometimes, if the colon is weak and sluggish, there may be no bowel movement for several days following a colonic. However, this is not due to the colonic, but rather to the weakness to the colon, and should be interpreted as an indication that the colon requires strengthening and healing. Very infrequently, diarrhea or loose bowels may be experienced. This could be due to the extra water introduced into the colon or to the stirring up of toxic waste. If this should occur, it is usually very short duration. However, since severe diarrhea dehydrates the body, it must be carefully monitored.
I have been suffering from constipation for a long time will colonics help?
We want to state that constipation can be successfully treated with natural, harmless techniques, including the use of colonics. Constipation is one of what may be termed “civilized man’s disease”, while a typical American has 5 or 6 bowel movements per week, it is not unusual for a rural African to have 3 a day. If you eat 1 large meal a day, you should have 1 large bowel movement a day. 2 meals 2 bowel movements, 3 meals 3 bowel movements.
There are three factors involved in having a well functioning colon: diet, exercise, and attitude. All three must be in balance for the colon to function well. Often, however, because the colon is sluggish for so long, it has become severely weakened due to being constantly bathed in toxic waste, stretched from holding stool, and frequently, constricted by chronic tension in the colon.
The process of colon irrigation is excellent for cleansing and healing the colon sufficiently so that changes in diet, exercise, and attitude are then able to produce their effects. Many people find relief provided by a colonic stimulates the motivation and enthusiasm to institute positive changes in their lifestyle.
I’ve heard that I shouldn’t get a colonic because it upsets the electrolyte balance. What is that all about?
Electrolytes are minerals in the body (mainly sodium and potassium salts), which maintain the proper electrical charge, and pH balance ( acid and alkaline balance) in various organs and tissues of the body. Each one of these tissues, organs, and body cavities has a certain proportion and balance of minerals to maintain the necessary pH balance. For example, the stomach should maintain an acid pH and the duodenum (first part of the small intestine) should be alkaline (basic) for proper digestion to occur. If this balance is disrupted, then digestion will be impaired.
The pH electrical balance in the colon is very near neutral ideally being slightly acid. A strong acid or alkaline environment is not necessary because digestion does not take place in the colon. Rather, a major function of the colon is to re-absorbed the fluid from the unformed stool, which is passed into it from the small intestine. After the fluid is reabsorbed and the stool is formed, the colon moves the stool into the rectum and out of the body. The majority of the material released during a colonic is formed stool that has already had fluid and electrolytes removed from it, so the amount lost is very minimal and is easily replaced by the body from the food and fluid we ingest.
Some people say that colonics wash out intestinal flora and valuable nutrients. Is this so?
The truth is that the washing-out of putrefied material in the large intestine, which is only partially reached in any colon irrigation, increases the good intestinal flora. Good bacteria can only breathe in a clean environment, which has been washed free of putrefaction and its accompanying harmful bacteria. That is why the intestines of a newborn baby immediatly begin to grow good intestinal flora. Each time you clean out the putrefying garbage and make a better environment than a putrefied one.
With all this talk of bacteria, I wonder what effect colonic irrigations have on our immune systems?
The removal of stagnant waste and hardened, impacted toxic residu could rejuvenate the immune tissue that reside in the intestine. Recent European studies speculate that 80% of immune deficiency disease as cancer and A.I.D.S. Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure – all, but an important adjunctive therapy in the overall health care of the patient.
How long does a colonic take?
Probably 90% of all colonics take between 50 minutes. It could be shorter than that, based upon the judgment of the therapist and, sometimes, the wishes of the patient. There will be about 5 minutes required before the colonic for changing into the gown and 5-10 minutes afterwards.
Is there a special kind of water used for colonics?
The best type of water used for colonics is filtered water. This kind of water is capable of absorbing and flushing more toxins out of the colon because of its drawing effects on solid particles, chemicals, and particulate matter. Tap water already has numerous chemicals and inorganic substances present.
Will I be able to eat after getting a colonic?
What we suggest is that you eat a moderate amount of whatever seems gentle and nourishing to you. Salads, vegetable juices are the beat choices.
Will a colonic completely empty the colon?
Almost never, first of al, many of us have a considerable amount of impacted feces in our colon. This is hardened, rubbery, or wallpaper-like material. Substantial work must be done to remove it. second, there is a subtle learning process involved in recieving colonics. As you become more aware of what is going on in your abdomen, and as your body learns to allow the cleansing experience, you are better able to enter into that process, therefore release some of the stagnant waste in the colon. The second and subsequent colonics will remove more. How many you may wish to have will depend upon your personal objective. ( for me… the first three colonics appeared to just clean out the decending colon, but the fourth… I had a healthy bowel movement before the colonic and during this treatment I released.. and released.. and released… I thought… OMG…where is all of this poo coming from?? And for those of you who know me personally I am a tiny little thing. So hurry up.. clean out your colon… get all of that waste out of your body and feel better than ever!)
How will I know when the colon is empty?
It will probably never be completely empty, as it is an organ in continual use. As more of the old, impacted material is released; you will actually feel the water enter higher regions of the colon without any sense of obstruction. The objective ought not to be an empty colon, but rather a well-functioning colon.
Will a colonic clear up my skin?
Your skin actually “breathes” and is an important organ of elimination of waste material. Sometimes, id the colon, liver, or kidneys are functioning poorly, this skin will be required to make up the difference. Surface eruptions on the skin of various sorts may occur due to toxins being released.
Cleansing and healing the colon diminishes the burden placed upon the skin as well as the other organs of elimination; lungs, liver, and kidneys. As elimination is accomplished through its proper channels, the skin will often clear up. ( I can tell you personally that this was true for two of my loved ones. One with ecema/psoriasis, had stopped the fish oils on a daily basis which was the only thing that helped keep the flair ups to a minimal, and replaced it with regular colonics… what do you know??? The skin started to immediately clear up. And this was also true for the other with acne. As soon as the colon was cleansed the skin became clear and brite. Come on… what are you waiting for?)
What do you think about getting a colonic as a part of a fasting program, and do you think its better to get one in at the beginning or the end of the fast?
Whenever you do anything that increases the rate at which toxins are released into the bloodstream, it is essential that you eliminate whatever you can through the colon. If you don’t, you may unnecessarily experience increased discomfort of toxemia. (poisonous toxins in the bloodsteam). Instead od being expelles from your body, toxins may merely recirculate and settle elsewhere in organs, muscle, or tissue. Whether you use colonics or some other elimination aide, you must do something daily. A knowledgeable colon therapist can be of great assistance during any cleansing program. You may find it beneficial to schedule a colonic at the beginning of your fast asn ask the therapist to comment upon your plan.
The digestive process begins in your mouth.
The BEST thing you can do to aide this process is to CHEW YOUR FOOD. And what that means is chew each mouth food 30- 50 times… and trust me I inhale most of mine so I know this can be difficult. But the reason it is so important is there are no teeth in your stomach. The stomach is a holding tank for food. The main functions are storage and preliminary digestion. The stomach secretes an important substance, Hydrochloric Acid, Pepsin. The pepsin also does not chew your food, its function it to break down the ALREADY chewed food, this mixture of food, mucus, and HCI is called “chyme.” The chyme moves from the stomach to the Duodenum which is the first section of the small intestine. Where 90% of the nutrients are absorbed at this time. Properly functioning accessory organs such as the liver, gallbladder and pancreas are crucial during this first stage of digestion. This also supports the reason to chew your food more right from the start. Let these organs do their job in the aide to digestion. If there are bit of pieces of what you have eaten less nutrients can be extracted from the chyme.
The chyme is then moved by Micro Villi, these villi are finger like structures that line the wall of the small intestine. These “fingers” are made up of blood and lymph capillaries and they expand and contract in order to mover the chyme thru the small intestine to the large intestine. When you have bits of pieces of un-chewed food in your chyme they can become lodged in the villi. And these bit and pieces begin to ferment and rot. They can start the process of clogging you up so to speak and start to line the intestine just like a clogged artery. If 90% of your nutrients are absorbed here and your intestine are lined with undigested food or for a lack of better words… poo… what percentage of the nutrients you are supposed to absorb are you really absorbing? And what do the nutrients have to permeate to actually be absorbed? Think about that the next time you are chewing.
The digestive environment has time microbes that exist throughout the digestive system from the mouth to the anus, but most of the bacteria live in the colon. Good bacteria are sometimes known as flora, friendly bacteria or probiotics. In a healthy person, there is a ration of approximately 80-85% combined good and neutral bacteria to 15-20% bad. In many people today this ratio is reversed. Faulty digestion can contribute to this imbalance. These bacteria are beneficial because they aide in: the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, production of B vitamins, Production of antibodies, and destruction of competing bacteria. The two most important types of bacteria are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.
What can disrupt the intestinal ecology? Drugs such as antibiotics, birth control, anti inflammatory, such as Tylenol, reflux anti-acids and laxatives. If you take ONE antibiotic pill it can destroy all of your good bacteria with one little pill and it can take up to THREE months of supplementing with probiotics to get you ecology back to where it needs to be for proper digestion.
Signs of good digestion and elimination are good bowel movements daily. The transit time for food entering the mouth to exit the rectum should be less than 24 hrs. this transit time is related to exercise an intake of water. So be sure to drink half of you body weight in ounces a day. (Tips: start drinking in the am so you are not up all night peeing) And of course we all know the exercise is good for you and good for your poo too!
Many factors that can influence impaired digestion such as:
Stress – physical stress, emotional stress and mental stress
Drugs- antibiotics, birth control, anti inflammatory such as Tylenol and reflux anti acids and laxatives as mentioned above
Processed food consumption – food that has been through a commercial refining process, which includes applications of high temperatures to increase shelf life. It also destroys the nutrients creating imbalance and deficiencies.
Refined carbohydrates – all things made with white sugar and flour things with a lack of fiber. Basically if it comes in a package… not so good for you!
Overeating – overindulging in even the most nutritious foods will reduce their benefits.
Water - insufficient water will create a problem but even more important drinking with your meal will inhibit the digestion process. You will dilute the saliva and the HCI mentioned above which are needed to digest your food. A good rule is to drink up to 15 minutes before eating your meals and do not drink liquids with your meal and one and one half hrs after eating.
External toxins – toxins can affect the entire digestive process along with the organs the aide in digestion, impairing the function of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.
Chewing your food – I think we have mentioned this enough for you to get it. But… will you remember at your next meal. I promise you this is not an easy task for most.
What is it I should be looking for when choosing a colon therapist?
Since getting a colonic is an intimate and is involved with emotional and mental releases as well as physical healing, you will do best working with someone with whom you can develop a good rapport and in whose environment you feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed. Sensitivity, skills, knowledge, and experience are important to consider as they vary widely among therapist. Anyone you contact should be willing to discuss his or her professional background and health philosophy with you.
Questions to ask a colon therapist:
How long have you been a therapist?
Where were you trained?
Do you use disposable equiptment?
Do you do implants?
Do you do any massage?
How long does a therapy take?
How much do you charge?
Depending on where you live the advergae cost of a session is approx $65-$90
Some places will give you a discount if you make appointments for a series.
Some great pleaces to get a colonic :
Daree Rose
Oceanport, New Jersey
Women Only
Aqeel Kameelah
West Palm Beach, Florida
Hippocrates Health Institute
West Palm Beach, Florida
Betsy Kern
Kern & Associates
Los Angeles, California
If you have a great colonic thearpist in your area that you love..
please share them with us by posting their info here.
And not to forget where I learned all of this great info and had my first colonic...
Sanoviv Medical Institute
Baja California, Mexico
Any and all questions, comments and post welcome.
Have a Happy and Health Colon!
one of my follower asked a question regarding using a colonic before a colonoscopy.
ReplyDeleteThis is what they said...
"You have to clean out your colon completely before a colonoscopy. They have you drink like 2 quarts of Miralax and some dulcolax and water. No eating. So basically you have a day of flushing out your colon. The bad part is the fact that you're flushing with medicine instead of naturally."
I consulted with colon therapist, Daree Rose(mentioned in the post), and her reply was..
"Yes, you can do colonics instead of that awful cleasning the doctor rx's. I have never done it. However, my understanding is two colonics the day before and one colonic the morning of. It think there is information on I-ACT website. A doctor did a short video on it. If I find it I'll forward it to you. Also, my teacher, has a website that is very informative. She is so spiritual, I just love her. It's cathysheaschool.com."
Daree, I thank you for reply and I am sure my follower will appreciate this info as well.
Thank you for all your informative research. Colon cancer runs in my family and my brother has had many pollops surgically removed. He must follow up every three months because his Colon is very active with potential cancer. How would a Colonic effect someone with this condition or a hereditary condition? Should I get a colonoscopy prior to the cleanse to make sure I am safe for the proceedure? Also, because my family has a history of Colon problems would I benefit from the Colonic?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment/questions.
As I mentioned in the above post,
"Are regular colonics dangerous in any way?"
Being essentially a natural process, there is virtually no danger with a colonic. A skilled therapist will always exercise care. Also, colonics are never performed on a pregnant woman, a person with currently active ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, or following recent colon surgery. There has never been a reported medical complaint about a colonic.So with that said, you would benefit, your brother would benefit and so would almost everyone.
A colonoscopy is definitly not needed before a colonic. In fact, the above Comment explains the exact opposite. A colonic can take place of the traditional medicine used to clean one out prior to a colonoscopy.
More important, let me comment by saying that colon cancer, rectal cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and endometrial cancers are diet and hormone sensitive cancers.
Be aware of what hormone disruptors are and consciously avoid them. This will be very benificial for you and your brother to reduce your risks and potentially prevent these cancers.
Get in control of what you put into your body by what you eat and what you put on your skin.
Try to eat 80% raw and avoid any products containing hormones, that means no conventional meats or dairy products. Avoid phyto estrogens, that means soy(and soy is not just in your food, including shampoo, conditioner & lotion. soy is everywhere)and estrogen mimicers like plastics.
Exercise and drink plenty of water. (half of your body weight in ounces) This will help keep you and your colon hydrated and keep the digestion process going. Remember to drink 15 minutes before you eat, do not drink while you are eating ( this slows the digestion process down by diluting your bodies digestive fluids) and then you may drink again 1 1/2 hours after you eat.
CHEW YOUR FOOD! chew each bite 30-60 times... the digestion starts in your mouth.
Take natural supplements that will support and help you achieve hormonal balance naturally.
(since I know you have a thyriod issue as well)
Check out some of these websites:
www.drsimone.com - Dr Simone is a tradional doctor who believes that nutrition play a big role in prevention of these cancers. He provides specific steps to reduce your risks.
www.womentowomen.com - Founded by Dr Christian Northrup who is an author, speaker, indorces Sanoviv and has even been featured on Oprah. If you can get to the clinic in Maine, you can be treated over the phone. The supplements are all natural hormone support.
www.constantcomment.org - all of this info and more. Find out what hormone disruptor to avoid.
Including plastics, plastic is a hormone mimicer.
And hurry up and get your colon cleansed!
I promise you... you will be so happy afterwards. and so will your colon!
Yeah you are right. We should clean it. Thanks for sharing it.